10KN full automatic pellet compression testing machine

1. introduction

automatic  pellet compression testing machine, designed according to test method  GB/T14202 and ISO 4700, is mainly used to measure the determine strength  of pellet and agglomerate.

2. features

a.  the compression head moves quick before it touch the test specimen to  reduce test time while it touch the specimen, the compression head auto  slow down to load to the specimen, which makes the test data more  accurate.

b.  electrical magnetic vibrating plate feed test specimens automatically.  The compression test and specimen feeding go on at the same, save test  time effectively.

c. rotating auto clearing device to clear the crushed pellet automatically.

d. operating mode adopts touch screen and computer software.

e.  display test data during test, the data includes crushing force of each  pellet, max. bearing force, minimum force, average force, and relative  frequency distribution.

f. test data can be saved for long time and be checked after test and print.

g. over load protection functions to protect the load cell in case of wrong operating.

h. long working time and stable hydraulic control system can work continuously in high efficiency.

3. specification




Pellet   crushing, measure strength of pellet

application field

Ferrous   metallurgy, pellets mining, colleges and research institute, Entry-Exit   Inspection and Quarantine Bureau

test   efficiency

30   minutes for 60 pcs pellets

max. qty. of test specimen can be tested each test


speed   of compression platen


size of pellet to be tested


load   cell max. capacity


precision of load cell

C3(not   less than 0.03%)

error   of load cell


precision of transducer

better   than 0.1%F·S

IP   grade of transducer



AC 220V±5%,50Hz


0.75KW   for pellet crushing device

0.75KW   for clearing device for broken samples


About   210kg

working   temperature

Ambient   temperature range: 1-40℃, for ambient temperature lower than 0℃ and high   attitude area, please inform.