Computerized flexible cellular polymeric materials tensile tester

Computerized flexible cellular polymeric materials tensile tester


Computerized flexible cellular polymeric materials tensile testing machine, with test speed range from 0.001mm/min to 500mm/min, can be used to test the tensile strength and elongation of flexible cellular polymeric materials. Software of tensile testing machine can display test parameters, such as force, displacement, test time, etc. in real time, and can auto calculate tensile strength after test finished. Test results can be saved after test for later checking and printing.

2. relative manufacturing and calibrating test method for testing machine

GB/T2611 general requirements for testing machines

GB/T16491 electronic universal testing machine

GB/T16825.1 verification of static uniaxial testing machines --- part 1: tension / compression testing machines --- verification and calibration of the force measuring system

ISO7500-1 metallic materials--- verification of static uniaxial testing machine --- part 1: tension / compression testing machines --- verification and calibration of the force measuring system

ASTM E4 standard practice for force verification of testing machines

EN 10002-2 tensile testing of metallic materials --- part 2: verification of the force measuring system of the tensile testing machine

3. specification of testing machine

GB/T 6344 flexible cellular polymeric materials --- determination of tensile strength and elongation at break

ISO 1798 flexible cellular polymeric materials --- determination of tensile strength and elongation at break

4. specification of testing machine


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